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The core of blow molding machine development

Bottle blowing machine manufacturers analyze the core of the development of bottle blowing machines

  For blow molding machine manufacturers, the two themes of energy saving and consumption reduction, product innovation, and solid efforts to promote, will soon reap the rewards. Although my country's bottle blowing machine industry faces many problems, it also faces huge domestic and foreign markets and better development opportunities.

   My country’s blow molding machine industry is now very close to world-renowned companies in terms of technical manufacturing, but there is still a certain distance between brand awareness and related innovation. For domestic blow molding machine companies, they were also faced with the pain of industrial transformation and promotion. How to quickly complete the promotion requires finding a breakthrough point.

We believe that energy saving and consumption reduction is a very important breakthrough. At that time, energy has become a bottleneck for the development of the entire society. How can a bottle blowing machine company do so without affecting the original bottle blowing efficiency and quality during the production process? Effectively reduce the energy consumption of bottle blowing, and complete the energy saving and consumption reduction for the production of plastic bottle companies. This will win the favor of a large number of plastic bottle companies. Such a bottle blowing machine will directly bring the most tangible cost to plastic bottle companies. Savings and increasing profits. Another breakthrough is of course the innovation of the bottle blowing machine products. According to the existing defects of the bottle blowing machine in the existing malls, after investigating the market, understanding the needs of users, improving and innovating the products, becoming the industry leader, this is to improve The blow molding machine is a useful technique for its own competitiveness.

   It is recommended that blow molding machine companies focus on the following aspects:

  1. In terms of products, five types of products developed by the key development of my country’s bottle blowing machinery:

A. One-step blowing machine;
B. Five gallon bottle blowing machine;
C. Fully automatic bottle blowing machine;
D. Semi-automatic bottle blowing machine;
E. Glass blowing machine, etc. Blow molding machine companies should actively research and develop related products in order to promote the development of the industry and then bring benefits.

  2. In terms of enterprises, we should pay close attention to the adjustment of product structure, and resolutely eliminate products with low productivity, high energy consumption and lagging products. Take the beverage packaging bottle industry as an example. In the next 3-5 years, while developing existing juices, teas, bottled drinking water, functional beverages, and carbonated beverages, beverage shopping malls will focus on low-sugar or sugar-free beverages. , And the development of natural and dairy-containing healthy beverages. The development trend of products will further promote the development of packaging differentiation, such as PET aseptic cold-fill packaging, HDPE (with a barrier layer in the center) milk packaging, etc. The diversity of beverage product development will ultimately promote the innovation of beverage packaging materials and structures. At that time, companies that produce differentiated packaging products will benefit, and the recent expansion of demand will drive upstream companies-blow molding machine manufacturers to benefit.

  To sum up the above factors, the blowing machine industry will develop towards the characteristics of green environmental protection, profit reduction, brand sales, high quality and high energy. How to better develop the bottle blowing machine industry around the theme of "safety, health, and environmental protection" is an issue that enterprises need to consider urgently. Enterprises that deviate from the mainstream will eventually be screened by the gradually improved market competition system. In this regard, domestic Relevant enterprises should actively follow the development of the mainstream of the industry, develop more products that are required by customers, and obtain abundant profits.


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